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The key to creativity

By Mikaela Davis
Siminovitch Forum
Join us for a conversation led by some of Canada’s top theatre-makers and scientific minds that will explore what scientists can learn from artists, what artists can learn from scientists and how the union of the two is a key to creativity.

Playwright, Elinore Siminovitch and molecular biologist, Lou Siminovitch had a marriage that beautifully symbolized the bond between arts and sciences. They understood first hand how both fields were in pursuit of the mysteries of human existence.

Join us for a conversation led by some of Canada’s top theatre-makers and scientific minds that will explore what scientists can learn from artists, what artists can learn from scientists and how the union of the two is a key to creativity.

The Siminovitch Prize in Theatre. Curated by Mikaela Davies, Moderated by Jillian Kelly (Artistic Director, NAC English Theatre)

with Dr. Suvendrini Lena, Antonia Leney-Granger, Yvette Nolan and Dr. Laurel Trainor
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